Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Well, this Easter was certainly eventful. We went to church and out to my Aunt Janice's in PG. John Thomas had no interest in hunting eggs although he ended up with 8 in his basket so he became $8 richer. A little after 2:00 Scott started not feeling well and then the madness started. Scott and John Thomas both had the stomach virus, John Thomas' temp got to 103 and just as I got everyone settled into bed and myself on the couch the power went out and was not restored until Monday evening. Mimi was a big help by bringing over some pedialite, 7up, and meds for Scott. John Thomas is some better and Scott is back to 100% finally.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
1:24 PM
Aunt Head
Heather (Head) and I went and got pedicures on Sat. and then she came over to hang out with Big'n. Aunt Head isn't used to having a little one at her house and she left the bathroom door open when she left. John Thomas managed to find the open door quickly and roll our house. Scott and I laughed and laughed at our little man. At least it was just 1 strand of toilet paper.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
1:13 PM
Dying Eggs
We decided to dye eggs on Sat. and I quickly figured out that John Thomas needed his own cup with water in it instead of dye. He broke 2 eggs by throwing them and cried when we started to clean everything up.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
1:11 PM
Soccer Game
We went to watch Ward play soccer last Saturday morning and it was cold. Ward scored the 1st goal of the game and then decided the game was "too wild" for him. That morning he told Krista (his Mother) that he didn't remember telling her that he wanted to play soccer. Maybe after a few games he will get the hang of things, he sure did look cute in his uniform.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
1:09 PM
A Visit From Hadley
Hadley and Alicia came and saw us last Wednesday, the weather was pretty so we played out on the back porch. At the end of the evening they took their bath together and they were both SO tired.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
12:53 PM
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Zoo
Rachael and I took the kids to the Zoo last friday. We thought is was going to be a pretty day but it ended up o the chilly side, the children did not seem to mind. We hope to go again soon and maybe even catch the Sea Lion Show. John Thomas seemed much more interested with playing with the strollers than looking at the animals.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
8:34 AM
Brooks and Angel came over a few weeks ago and the boys played out on teh back porch. I am afraid that John Thomas might be a bully. He got in trouble for pouring water on brooks and for not listening to his mommy. I am going to see about getting him a Mother's Day Out program and see if that helps his attitude some.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
8:31 AM
Mr. Black
John Thomas has learned how to bribe Mr. Black with Kitty treats. They have both adapted pretty well to each other, and I was pretty worried about how Mr. Black would treat a little one. If you look at the 2nd picture you can see that BeBe's (Mr. Black's nickname, Scott also just calls him Black) picks out his own treats from the bottle.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
8:22 AM
1 Year Portraits
These are a few of the photos from John Thomas' 1st year photo session. I love them all! I can't believe I have a 1 year old little boy.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
7:46 AM