He did better than I thought he would and we just got a few since I got so many of his newborn pics. I can't believe he is ALREADY 3 months old. He is still looking mostly like Scott but is starting to resemble me more and more each day. I really hope he has his Daddy's attitude.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
3 Month Old Pictures
Posted by
The Pruitt's
1:28 PM
Ava, Smava, Tava, Pava
These are a few pictures of Ava, Ryan and Sandra's little girl (more cousins). Ward always calls her different kinds of things so that is where the title came from. I love the pictures where it looks looks like she is "up to no good".
Posted by
The Pruitt's
8:37 AM
Hadley Elizabeth
Look at that cute baby!!!! My cousin Alicia and I took Hadley and John Thomas to get their 6 month/3 month pictures made. These are some of my favorites of Miss Hadley. I'm glad Alicia had to pick out the pictures she wanted because I would have had a hard time leaving without all of them.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
8:33 AM
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I'm So Sad
This boy has really starting to make some funny faces and this is one of my favorites. Whenever he is sad he makes this pittiful face with his bottom lip poking out. Scott says he gets it from me but I don't think he knows what he is talking about. Him sad!!!
Posted by
The Pruitt's
3:01 PM
Sleepy Head
It seems like now a days John Thomas will go asleep just about anywhere. These were pics we took while I was just holding him watching TV. He is sleeping through the night and taking 2-3 naps a day.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
2:59 PM
Kelley and Josh's Wedding
Scott's cousin got married last Saturday. It was a great wedding and I thought everything was just perfect. I should have been better at taking pictures but Scott and I were having too much fun to be worried about picture taking. We are so happy that Kelley and Josh are starting a life together and the best part is that theybought a house not far from ours. Hopefully when Kelley gets some pictures back from her photographer I can post some so everyone can see how pretty everything was.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
2:57 PM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Today has been a horribly sad day. My grandmother (Granny) passed away at 6:30 this morning. I had only told a few people that she was even sick. I'm not quite sure why......I am just usually private with these things (I don't like people to worry about me). I know several people have called asking about arrangements and I wasn't sure what they would be. They are listed below and for anyone who is reading this be sure to tell the special people in your life everyday that you love them.
The visitation and funeral services will be held on Monday at the Curry-Jefferson Funeral home in Hoover (across from Hoover Toyota). The visitation will begin at 1:00 and the funeral will be at 2:30.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
7:49 PM
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Sick Baby!
The past few days have not been fun. John Thomas has his first cold, he has been running a low temp., coughing, and has a stuffy nose. Scott is sick as well and I think I may be getting it too. I cleaned the entire house today with Lysol and am trying to get these germs out of our house. If John Thomas isn't better by tomorrow we have to go into the Doctor.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
2:39 PM
Laughing with Daddy
Posted by
The Pruitt's
2:34 PM
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Waisting Time
This is our play mat that we love. We move from the bouncy seat, to the play mat, to the swing,
to the boppy, and to Mommy's arms. He has really started to pay attention to things now.
I forgot to update everyone on our 2 month check-up. It was on May 19th and he weighed a whopping 14 lbs and 4 oz and was 24 1/4 inches long. Dr. Hardwick said he is was off the charts in height and weight and everything looked great. He has hit all of his milestones and of course got his shots. He only cried a few seconds from the shots and didn't act like they ever bothered him again. Let's hope our next appointment goes just as well.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
5:27 PM