Here we are all ready to go home and start our BIG adventure. We were discharged from the hospital around 12:00, stopped to get gas, and then headed to the house. So far things have been going well. He has wakes up at 1:00am and at 4:00am and then heads back off to sleep. We couldn't have been given a better baby (I hope I am not cursing myself by typing about how good he is).
Monday, March 24, 2008
Ready to go home
Posted by
The Pruitt's
3:32 PM
Posted by
The Pruitt's
3:24 PM
These were the first visitors and we have a picture of everyone but my Mom. We will just have to put extra on here of her and John Thomas to make up for her getting left out of the Delivery Room photo shoot.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
3:15 PM
Awaiting His Arrival!!!
These pictures were taken about 2 hours before John Thomas was born (post epidural). Everyone came to visit us in the Delivery Room and my parents and Scott's parents stayed in there with us until it was time to push. Scott and arrived at the hospital at 3am so needless to say it was a LONG morning.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
3:08 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
He's Here!!!
At 12:49 this afternoon (March 19th) John Thomas Surtees Pruitt decided it was time to join Scott and I and make our family official, not to mention our lives complete. He has blonde curly hair, blue eyes (of course), weighed 7lbs. 8 oz, and is 21 1/2 inches long. We got to the hospital at 3:00am this morning and I was at 1cm. On my own I progressed to 6cm.'s by 9:00 and then got my epidural and quickly progressed to 10cm (with help the help of meds) by 11:45am and then he was here by 12:49. We are both doing well and he seems to be healthy as can be. I will post pictures tomorrow but for now I am going to try to get some sleep. I can't wait for everyone to see him and meet him.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
5:47 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
STILL no baby!!!
Well, Scott and I had and eventful night (or should I say morning). At 1:00am we were headed to the hospital, I was having contractions 5 minutes apart. We arrived and the and I still had not progressed any but was having contractions so they decided to keep me. At 6:00am the Dr. came in to check me and inform me that would be heading home. We were dissappointed to say the least. I still have a Dr.'s appointment scheduled for friday and it looks like I will be there. Maybe since John Thomas didn't show up on St. Patty's day he has decided he will come on Easter.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
6:10 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
As of today 3/15/08 there is no sign of John Thomas coming anytime soon. At the Dr. on Friday I got told that he had dropped a LITTLE and there is nothing else going on. I can't imagine sitting here during Spring Break and wasting a week. My Dr. will be out of town and she does not want to induce me in any way, she said she will possibly even wait until April if he is still inside growing and content. I really want him here on Monday or at least by Monday but it isn't up to me or really what I want. He will come when he is ready. The room has EVERYTHING done and I will post some pics later of all of the last minute touches we did.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
1:09 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
A Busy Wednesday!
Wednesday is one of my days off from teaching dance and boy was this past one a busy one. My Mom came over and cleaned my house. She washed base boards, cleaned shelves, cleaned all of my floors, Etc. Thanks Mom! Then Angel called and her and Brooks came by for a visit. They brought Scott and I some last minute things we might need in the hospital and Brooks even broke in John Thomas' changing table.
Allison came by too and I forgot to get a picture of her and Brooks. It was good to see them all. Later that night we met Brad, Rachael, Katelyn, Heather, Josh, and Dave out to eat at Ruby Tuesday's and I got a Blondie (my favorite desert). I have another Dr. appointment at 8:15 in the morning and hopefully I will get some good news. Stay tuned!
Posted by
The Pruitt's
7:21 PM
These are some updated photos of my cousin Alicia'a little girl Hadley. I got to see her about 2 weeks ago and she has grown so much since Christmas. Hadley will be turning 4 months old soon and hopefully it won't be too much longer until she will get to meet John Thomas . I wish she lived closer so I could see her ALL the time!!!
Posted by
The Pruitt's
7:10 PM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Traditional Picture!!!
Posted by
The Pruitt's
6:36 PM
More Visitors!
It may be hard to see in these pictures but Scott and I had some deer come up to our property on Sunday. Libby barked forever at these 2 deer and I was really shocked that it didn't scare them away.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
6:31 PM
Hide and Go Seek!
Ward was at our house on Friday and him and Scott decided to hide under John Thomas' bed. Libby got in on the action as well but I decided to decline. The way I am growing lately there is no way we all would have fit.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
6:28 PM
A visit from Bush!
Bush surprised Scott and I with a visit a few weeks ago and it made our night. We miss him since he has moved to North Carolina but it makes it even more special when we get to see him now. We love you Bushwalla and can't wait for John Thomas to meet you.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
6:26 PM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Quick Update!!!
I am still having to use dial-up so I won't be posting any pics until my broadband is fixed. We are having MAJOR issues with Brighthouse.
ANYWAY, I had a Dr.'s appointment last Friday and I hadn't progressed any (not the news I wanted to hear). My next appointment is tomorrow and hopefully there will be some changes. I don't feel like he has dropped any I don't really think there will be any progress made by tomorrow but we will see. I will update tomorrow (With or Without Pictures).
Posted by
The Pruitt's
9:25 AM