Our internet has been down since last Sunday. Brighthouse is suppose to be here on Monday to fix it all. I am on Dial-Up right and it is driving me crazy.
I have a Dr.'s appointment tomorrow and will hopefully be able to update everyone on Monday on how things went. Everything seems to be going well and I am still feeling good.
Not too much longer and we will get to see what John Thomas looks like.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Internet Down!!!
Posted by
The Pruitt's
10:12 AM
Monday, February 11, 2008
Too Cute!
Because John Thomas has such a long name he hasn't gotten anything with his name on it until last thursday. Lucy, Martha, and Grace Anne Thrailkill gave me these adorable burpcloths and I thought they were too cute not to share.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
8:08 PM
Only 5 weeks left!!!!!!!
Wow! I can't believe we only have 5 weeks to go. Scott and I went to our childbirth class on Saturday and learned all kinds of stuff. We are ready for him at home but know he still needs a little more time. I am still teaching dance and plan on doing so until he gets here. All of my students and parents have been so supportive and helpful. I have a Dr.'s appointment on Wednesday and some appointments with pediatrician's on Friday. I feel great and haven't reached the miserable stage that everyone has told me about (It will probably start tomorrow since I said that).
Posted by
The Pruitt's
8:06 PM
Finishing Touches
Posted by
The Pruitt's
7:59 PM
The glider finally came in!
We finally got our glider last friday and it fits in the nursery perfectly. Scott and I have both been sitting in it and
have talked about how we both will be spending some LONG nights in this chair.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
7:54 PM
Christian "Brooks" Hill
Little did I know as I was typing last week that Brooks would be arriving that day. He was born on February 5th and everything is great. Angel and Chris have made it home and have settled in nicely. Scott and I went and visited them in the hospital and I am going to see Angel and Brooks tomorrow. I am sure he has changed in just a week so I will be sure to post some pictures.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
7:50 PM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Aftermath
Here is a picture of ALL the presents that John Thomas received. I can't wait to get everything put up on the walls and take pictures of the finished product. Scott and I stayed up late Saturday night going through everything and putting a few things together. It was SO much fun. As soon as the nursery is completely finished I will post pictures. I can't believe it is February and he will be here in March.
Right now I am anxiously awaiting the Arrival of Baby Brooks. My friend Angel is due February 13th and I can't wait for him to be here. After he gets here I will post pictures of him as well.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
8:36 AM
Just a few more pictures
I was so busy trying to talk to everyone at the tea that I really didn't get to take any pictures and even realized I didn't get a picture with my mom. Here are some of the pictures I did manage to get and if anyone has anymore please email them to me. Thanks again to everyone that was able to make it.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
8:31 AM
John Thomas' baby tea was on Saturday and it was great! I felt so blessed to see everyone and to get so many wonderful things to welcome him into the world. My hostesses did a great job and I couldn't have asked for more. Thank you!
The reason there are 2 invitations in the picture is because we ran out of some and had to get another design.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
8:27 AM