Monday, January 21, 2008
The Nursery
We haven't gotten the nursery finished yet but this is the progress so far. We have shelves to put up, bedding to put on, and decorations to put on the walls. We are still waiting for the rocker and ottoman to come in. I will post more pictures once we have the final product. He will be here before we know it. I have a my last monthly appt. with the Dr. on Feb. 1st and then I will start going every 2 weeks.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
12:18 PM
Scott and I got to enjoy the snow a little bit on Saturday before he started working on the nursery. Miss Chitty was not sure about the snow on her feet and Libby kept sliding whenever she would try to run. Mr. Black had to stay inside because he had a hurt foot. He is all better now and I am sure he wouldn't have liked the snow anyway. Please excuse me not having any make-up on but I had just woken up.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
12:09 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Katelyn Ann Spencer
Katie is here! I feel like it was just yesterday that Rachael told me she was pregnant. Scott and I went up to the hospital on Friday night and Mom, baby, and Dad were all doing well. Rachael changed Katie's shirt and Scott said that it made him "nervous". Hopefully he will feel more comfortable about a few things after we go to our birthing class at Brookwood. I have full confidence in him.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
3:38 PM
Christmas Presents!
John Thomas isn't even here yet and he recieved lots of presents for Christmas. He even got a Christmas book about Alabama that Poppa Tom took to work and got signed by Gov. Bob Riley. His closet is already getting full with clothes and toys. I can't wait for him to get here so I can dress him up in some of his cute outfits.
Posted by
The Pruitt's
3:30 PM